A Night to Remember:

The Last Dinner on the Titanic

A Night to Remember will be a special fundraising event featuring a recreation of the last meal served in the first class dining room aboard the R.M.S. Titanic.

This event will take place on Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Philmont Country Club in Huntingdon Valley, PA.

Scheduled to commemorate the 113th anniversary of the famed ocean liner’s voyage, the event will feature an elegant, seven course menu representative of the final meal served in the first class dining room aboard the R.M.S. Titanic. Additionally, the event will include a live quartet playing authentic period music.

The Menu will be: 

Course 1: Canape Almiral and Oyster a la Russe.

Course 2: Salmon Mousseline

Course 3: Cream of Barley Soup

Course 4: Chicken Lyonnaise

Course 5: Roast Sirloin of Beef

Course 6: Asparagus Salad

Course 7: Coffee & Dessert: Chocolate Eclair, Waldorf Pudding and Ice Cream

The evening will also feature an exclusive exhibition of Titanic artifacts and memorabilia from the private collection of renown Titanic expert Craig Sopin. This event will be the only Titanic dinner in the region at which Mr. Sopin will be exhibiting artifacts.

Mail order presale tickets are now available and make a great holiday or Valentine’s Day gift. Click below to download a mail order form which can be returned with your personal check. You may also order using the convenient PayPal link below. 

ACT NOW as previous Titanic Dinner events have all sold out.

Additional questions may be directed to 267-250-8841.