As we were cleaning out some of the storage areas of the centrifuge building, we came across a trunk that held an old suit. We’ve had a few people look at it and have had it on display for the past ten months or so. We are still trying to make a positive determination on it’s age and what it was used for. You will note that the suit has a nozzle on the chest in addition to the nozzles on the hands and feet of the suit. As a result of the nozzles, we are pretty sure it was used for pressure or G load testing in the centrfuge. However, we are trying to fix it to a year and/or specific program. Are there any former employees or test pilots out there who may have any insight into what we have?
Have you contacted the Kansas Cosmosphere in Hutchinson, KS? They have a large collection of suits and helmets (as well as something like 20,000 other items), and might be able to help. Meredith Miller is in charge of the archive.
Russuan pressure suit Vorkuta (Воркута)
Looks like a prelude one of the Full Pressure Suits. I’ll look up the manufacturer.